About Swati Herbal
            Hair Care
            Facial Care
            Dental Care
            Health Care
Shikakai Hair Oil  
Description: Shikakai is well known for healthy nursing and growth of hair. This oil strengthens the roots of hair and renders it long, curly, shining and natural black. It also eliminates dandruff and other scalp-problems.  
Ingredients: Shikakai, Sandal, Mertle, Panadi, Almonds, Khaskhas etc.  
  Herbal Sat : (All Round Hair Care)
  Description: It is special herbal hair oil for troubles line brain-weakness, loss of memory and falling of hair. It kees head cool and promotes eye sight. Preventing premature greying it lends natural shine, softness and curliness to hair.
  Ingredients: White sandal, Chhoti Kateli, Badi kateli, Punarnava, Brahmi, Sahdeyee, Comphor etc.
Trifladi Tel : (Scalp Therapy)  
Description: A very useful herbal oil for treatment of scalp and hair diseases. Its regular use has a therapeutic effect on chronic headache and dandruff. It also gives hair natural shine and effectively checks hair loss and premature greying.  
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